E.S.H. Da Vinci

Student Archery for Eindhoven

Social Safety

Social safety is important for the general well-being of all members of our association. Everyone, regardless whether they are members, trainers, visitors, volunteers or anything else, should feel safe and welcome within Da Vinci.

While we certainly hope that everything is fine and nobody feels unsafe, this is unfortunately not always the case. People can experience discomfort in the forms of disagreement or undesirable behaviour. If you experience such interaction, you can always contact a board member if necessary. If for whatever reason you do not feel comfortable contacting a board member about your issue, we want to emphasise that there are several confidential contact persons across different groups, who can help you by listening to any problems you have and direct you to the available support.

Students Sport Center Eindhoven (SSCE), Eindhoven Student Sports Federation (ESSF), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and Fontys all have confidential contact persons. You can find the links down below:

SSCE: https://ssceindhoven.tue.nl/en/about-us/social-safety/

ESSF: https://essf.nl/en/about/confidentiality-contact-point

TU/e: https://educationguide.tue.nl/practical-info/student-guidance/confidential-contact-persons-peer-listeners/

Fontys: https://connect.fontys.nl/diensten/vertrouwenspersonen